Friday, October 1, 2010

Fairmont Hotel meeting

Natalie, Desmond (new member of our team) and I met with the catering director Wayne and Kim from CFF on Thursday at the Fairmont Hotel. It was a great meeting where Wayne answered a lot of our questions. He showed us the linens that he uses, the black will work but we have to look for an overlay elsewhere.
There is no problem with storage rooms.
As far as setting up the day before, we will know one month in advance if the rooms are available.
We will work with their lighting designer once our design is more formulated.
We could do something at the grand staircase.
We will be dealing with two rooms. The International Ballroom where we will design the central piece as well as the hallway (mostly walls-they need the floor space).
The Imperial Ballroom where 50 or so tables will be set up for dinner. In the front of the room at the entry points they will set up auction tables as well as a bar. The back part of the room has the stage, so we need to think of a backdrop related to the concept. I will show you the floor plans at our next meeting.
I am posting some pictures of the spaces that we visited.
The budget questions were not answered, I have to talk to the CFF people.

Can everybody meet this Thursday, same time in room 106?

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