Friday, January 21, 2011

Final days

Hi team.
Okay, let’s get this done, if possible this weekend. Amy will be coming on Tuesday morning to see the progress.
The base for the “puppy field” should be 12feet x 16feet. She said she will be picking up the flowers tomorrow to drop them off. Shauna is meeting up with her tomorrow morning to pick up the greenery for the puppy field. Do not make it too complicated because we have to transport it.
Amy is renting a van and we will be transporting everything Thursday evening after 5;00, I will let you know when exactly.
I will be here tomorrow for a workshop with new students and I will stop by to see what we need.

Great job everybody, you guys are amazing. Even though all the designs are not becoming reality, I think that they were awesome.
So, let’s give the final go at it and get it done. Please communicate among you to make sure that you come here and work together.
See you tomorrow and thank you again for the hard work. Looking forward to the final pieces.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Starting Work

Hi All.

Three of us met today to discuss the status and next steps for constructing everything for the event on the 28th. Below is a snapshot of what was discussed. Some folks will be meeting in room 525 on Wednesday night at 5 to start work...and again on Thursday at 5 (and throughout the weekend as necessary). It's crunch time! Please make every effort to come by and help. The event is next weekend!!!

1.) Our Client, Amy, is dropping the materials off today (1/18). All materials will be in room 525--our workspace for the duration. (Stay in the pink space only please).

2.) Our Client would like the cost of what was spent on supplies to go down. Therefore, anything we don't use will need to be returned. Please don't open things unless we need them. Also, everything in the big room by the Mezzanine is available to us--check there first before purchasing or opening anything.

3.) In order to access room 525, you will need to either knock (if someone is already there) or contact one of the following people that have access to the room:
Elizabeth C.
I will send phone numbers of these people in a separate email in order to maintain confidentiality.

4.) Spray painting
We will need to spay paint portions of the "Oz Gates." If anyone lives in the suburbs/areas where spray paint is sold, please let us know. We'd appreciate if you could please purchase 3 cans of bright purple spray paint and 3 cans of silver spray paint (both in high gloss). All spray painting will need to be done outside in the loading doc area, as we all are aware.

5.) Template for the "Oz Gate"
-Annie will be bringing in large paper to create a template (to scale) of the letters "O" and "Z" as well as some of the decorative elements. (paper to be brought in tomorrow).
-A template will be made on the paper and brought to the carpenter (Shauna to deliver) ASAP.
-The carpenter will cut out these elements for us.

That's the latest. Please come by and help out as much as you can. We will really need extra hands.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Let's Get Started

Hi All,

Now that the break is over, was wondering about the schedule to get together to start preparations for the event on the 28th. I just got back into town last night and don't know if anything was discussed since nothing is posted.
